Call for papers > Block papers


On 27th-28th August, the ICS adopted the following resolutions:

  1. The XVIIth Congress of Slavists in Paris will hold 25 thematic blocks, just as during the previous Congress in Belgrade. Nevertheless, their number can be increased, if necessary
  2. Each block is composed of 3 to 8, exceptionally 10 participants.
  3. Participants must come from different countries, with no more than 2 participants coming from the same country.
  4. Each block will have an opening statement of no more than 20 minutes, followed by papers of no more than 15 minutes and a 5-minute discussion.
  5. The person in charge of submitting a block must submit a global summary of the project and of each individual paper. Projects (global + individual papers) must not exceed 1000 signs intervals included.
  6. Submissions deadline.Submissions must be sent to the ICS organizing Committee before May 1st 2021. They will be examined before September 2021. The complete list of Blocks was confirmed at the ICS session held in 2021.
  7. Publication of the papers. Preliminary publication of the Thematic Block papers before the XVIIth Congress will not be mandatory. However, they will have to be posted on a website. A paper publication, including materials from discussions held at the Congress will be possible after the Congress. The block chairs must ensure that the papers are posted online and send the link to the ICS organizing Committee.

The application deadline for thematic blocks is over.

 Selected proposals


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